network-port - Controls Network Ports


network port new HOOK ...
network port destroy PORT
network port PORT color set COLOR
network port PORT color reset
network port PORT create
network port PORT description edit
network port PORT description show
network port PORT down
network port PORT edit ...
network port PORT identify
network port PORT remove
network port PORT status
network port PORT up


This command creates, deletes, changes and views the configuration and status of ports.

Note A port is a physical or virtual device that is directly connected to an other network. It connects those and zones together. The network device command shows status information of network devices and other things.


The following commands are understood:

new HOOK ...

A new port may be created with this command. HOOK must be a valid hook which may require more options.

destroy PORT

Destroys the port PORT. The port is removed from any zones it is attached to and shut down.

For all other commands, the name of the port needs to be passed first:

color set <color>

The color is set with this command and required to be passed in RGB hex formatting
NOTE: The color is being used to make identification of network devices easier on the command line and web user interface.

color reset

Resets the color to blank.


This will create devices for the existing port PORT.
This does not create a new port. It will just create the (possibly virtual) interface this port (i.e. create an interface for a WiFi module or a VLAN device).
The interface is not brought up. Use the up command to do that.

description edit

This command opens an editor and allows you to edit title and description.
NOTE: The formation of the description is similar to a git commit. Every description has a title, the first line of the description. The title is shown on the status page and in the web user interface. It should be something short like "Office Lan" or "DMZ". After the title can follow a longer description.

description show

Prints the description.


Shuts down the port.


This command can be used to alter the configuration of a port. Consult the documentation of the port hook to find out what is supported.


This command will make the port flash for a few seconds so that you can identify the correct network adapters in the system.
This is not supported by all network adapters.


This will remove an existing PORT.
This does not destroy the port. It inverses the operation performed by the create command.


This will show some detailed information about the status of the specified port.


Brings up the port. It has to be created first.


Michael Tremer